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ILTA Affiliated Organizations - Regional LT Associations

ILTA Institutional Affiliates are language testing related organizations that have agreed to adhere to the ILTA Code of Ethics, and to encourage ethical standards among their members. The concept of Affiliation is to promote an ethical milieu among language assessment professionals around the world. Organizations which join ILTA as Institutional Affiliates may acknowledge their acceptance of the Code of Ethics on their websites and other promotional material, and of course, they are acknowledged by ILTA as organizations which uphold the highest standards of our profession.

Organizations wishing to apply for Affiliate status with ILTA are invited to submit an application to the ILTA Business Office.

Asian Association for Language Assessment (AALA)

Association for Language Testing and Assessment of Australia and New Zealand (ALTAANZ)

Association of Language Testers in Europe, EC (ALTE)

The Canadian Association of Language Assessment/L'association canadienne pour l'évaluation des langues (CALA/ACEL)

East Coast Organization of Language Testers, USA (ECOLT)

Japan Language Testing Association, Japan (JLTA)

Korean English Language Testing Association, Korea (KELTA)

The Latin American Association for Language Testing and Assessment (LAALTA)

Midwest Association of Language Testers, USA (MwALT)

TESOL Arabia Testing & Assessment Special Interest Group (TESOL Arabia TAE SIG)

United Kingdom Association for Language Testing and Assessment (UKALTA)

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